Posted on 28-05-2011

I cannot even begin to describe how amazing #BakeFestDXB was this time around. For those of you who couldn’t make it or suddenly woke up from your coma asking “What’s #BakeFestDXB??”, then this post is for you.

#BakeFestDXB is an initiative to encourage community bakers – it started first as a murmur on Twitter, and then gained momentum until we invaded Wild Peeta for the first official BakeFestDXB last year (check my previous post for last year’s coverage). So we got the wheels rolling again this year and decided to hold BakeFestDXB at the new and improved WildPeetaOS.

I managed to sneak in at 11.30am on the day for table setup, and moments after the rest of our baking talent arrived with cakes, cookies, toffee, brownies, tarts, and tons of other sugary goodness. As soon as the clock struck 1pm, we officially let the crowds descend upon our wares. The buzz at WildPeeta was phenomenal during the entire day, and it was great to see all of the bakers proudly strutting their stuff. I even had some friends from Dogwalk Dubai come down and drop off a lovely “Pao De Lo De Ovar”, which is a beautiful Portuguese sponge cake made with a LOT of eggs and sugar πŸ™‚ (needless to say it immediately went behind my table so that I could indulge it at home!)

As the crowds started to thin out towards the evening, I looked around at all the smiles and read through each of the great tweets on the Twitter Wall, and soaked in all the sugary goodness. People have been tweeting and commenting me on a job well done, but truly the credit goes to all the magnificent people who took the time to whip up some awesome treats for everyone. And of course, a massive thank you to @wildpeeta and all of the crew for letting us set up shop at their beautiful new location.

For those of you who asked, here is a list of those who exhibited – if you have any coverage or photos from the event, please leave a link in the comments and I’ll update the post!


Anja Schwerin
Abigail Concepcion Caidoy
Rajani Mani
Sid S
Sahar Parham
Radia SiYoucef
Fatma Bin Shabib
Maggie Tuite
Yasmin Mebar
Toffee Princess
Shafaq’s Bake House
Cakery Dubai

Coverage by the blogsphere:

Stovetop Dancing
Spontaneous Euphoria
Cakery Dubai
I Live In A Frying Pan
Red Panda Bakes
Anja’s Food 4 Thought


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