Shine On

Posted on 24-01-2009

It’s a common misconception that gay men don’t like lesbians (and where exactly this belief came from I have yet to discover), but there is something on this planet that I dislike even more.


Now I know most of you are going to start with the whole “Oh you were once a kid yourself ” crap, but frankly I’m not buying it – I’m sure I was just as annoying when I was a kid. But staying with the plot, I seriously can’t stand kids. There’s just something about their high-pitched wailing, constant hyperactivity, and utter disregard for peace and quiet that just makes me want to leap off a building. But every so often, I get to turn my distaste of kids into pure amusement. From all my countless observations of parents and their kids, there is always one thing that makes me curl up in glee – ownership. Whenever the kid does something praiseworthy, all I hear is”Oh do you know what our little lovebucket did today?” And when the kid fucks things up, all you hear is “Do you know what your child did today!!??”


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