Why I love ‘real’ books

Posted on 10-11-2010

Last week a friend asked me why I hadn’t already purchased a Kindle or iPad for reading books on. Of course, my inner geek was already screaming “BUY ONE YOU INSOLENT FOOL! YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY MEGABYTES OF LITERATURE AS YOU WALK AROUND YOUR PATHETIC EXISTENCE!”

Ok that sounds more like Darth-Vader – if Darth Vader was a librarian.

But here’s 5 simple reasons why I’m more a fan of actual physical books than e-reader versions:

  1. Books carry history – they tear, get stained, and age over the years
  2. Books never have a low battery warning
  3. You can swat an insect with a book. Try doing that with an iPad (video!)
  4. There is nothing more hallowed than standing in a library surrounded by thousands of tomes of knowledge
  5. A first-edition signed copy of a book is beyond compare

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