Gay marriage and the end of the world

Posted on 27-06-2011

This past weekend, New York passed a bill that would legalize gay marriage in the Big Apple. But as with most things involving politics and well freedom, it was met with mixed reactions. While most of the city and the online community rejoiced and celebrated, I had a little look around the world wide web to see what people were saying:

“Straight, married people of New York. Don’t your marriages just suck now that gay people can do it too? All this equality is really unfair.”

True genius right there – equality is truly a soul-crushing thing.

“Why do these ‘gays’ have to rub their ‘lifestyle’ in my face all the time?”

Would you rather I rub my penis in your face instead?

“I am 100 % ashamed to say I live in New York State and as soon as I can afford to do it, I am moving out of here. The State has just offended me, and I wonder how many others are now offended and maybe we should get together and March and cause a riot and stink to see if we can get this mess reversed.”

There’s so much WIN in that statement I don’t even think I have to comment!

“I love my gay friends but I don’t support their lifestyle – let marriage be!!”

That’s like saying “Don’t take this personally, I love you and all, but you’re a cunt.”

What surprised me the most is how the online world could rally together to drive political chance in countries, oust corrupt leaders, and spread the news of freedom, but when it came down to gay marriage everyone looked in the other direction. Well what ever your opinion is on what passed in New York, I only have three simple words.







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