It’s World Diabetes Day – so go have a steak

Posted on 14-11-2011

Often I sit and ponder about what to write for the blog. Then there are other happier days where things just fall into my lap.

Today is World Diabetes Day, and the UAE is shockingly ranked as the country with the second highest rate of diabetes in the WORLD. That’s not really a statistic to be proud of. Twenty years ago, there was just a fraction of people who probably had diabetes, but the frantic pace of the city paired with the ease and variety of takeout food has caused the number of people with diabetes to absolutely skyrocket.

So imagine my pleasure this morning when I flipped open a newspaper to find a page dedicated to talking about diabetes, and also featured three local chaps who are now coping with diabetes. Touching really, and a great effort, but what really floored me was just a few pages before was a nice little advert from a steakhouse, advertising their ‘steak challenge’. The gist of it was if you finished their 2kg steak, 300g chunky chips, and 300g of sauce within an hour, the meal was free.

Are you serious? Which dumb cunt is going to sign up for a heart attack on a plate?

Food challenges are of course nothing new – there are hot dog eating contests and cake mountains and most soda drank and what not, but this really was too good to not blog about.

There are several clinics giving out free diabetes checks over the course of this week, so I urge you to stop by and get yourself checked out.

And celebrate with a steak.

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