Happy Blog Birthday!

Posted on 02-03-2012

I was skimming through my blog archives today and noticed that I had done something horrible – something so dastardly that I don’t know if I can get over it.

My blog turned 6 years old in November and I forgot! EL SCANDALO!

Yes, I’ve been trattling around on the interweb for just over 6 years. That’s one hell of an accomplishment methinks, considering I barely get enough time to wax myself, let alone blog regularly. But I’ve always enjoyed outinmyhead, and I’m so happy that I’ve been keeping it up for so long. I’d like to think it’s come a long way from my early days on Blogger, and I hope to keep it going for as long as I can.

To me blogging is something that lets me sift through the various things swirling in my head and pick out what I’d like to share with my readers. It may be funny, or ridiculous, or just plain random, but I’m gonna share it with my bitchez.

But I’ve noticed a few bloggers who totally rape their blog for what its worth – they excessively post links to their blog at every given opportunity, or try and blog about any damn topic in an attempt to make people think they actually know what they’re talking about. I was talking to someone on Twitter once about fad diets, and as if by magic another person on Twitter sent us a link to a blog they had put up about how they think fad dieting is a waste and shouldn’t be encouraged. NO SHIT SHERLOCK.

The other thing that pisses me off are bloggers who are CONSTANTLY trying to get more visitors and comments on their blog. Their conversations tend to go along the lines of OMG NEED MOAR COMMENTZ MOAR TRAFFIC PLZ FROM THE WORLD LOLLLS MUST MAKE SWEET MONEY FROM BLOG SHARE TWEET MY INFINITE WISDOME LOLLZ. I don’t give a shit about my web traffic or how many people are reading my posts. Want to know a secret? 26 people visited my blog yesterday. The day before that it was 42. My visitor numbers are something I casually look at when I’m waiting for porn to finish streaming, and I don’t really care who’s leaving comments or not. I’ve been approached in the past by companies who want to place text adverts and banners on my site, and I’ve flatly ignored them. I blog because I enjoy it, not because I want to make a living off it. However if you do make a living off your blog and have a billion adverts and products to review, then that’s very different – you rely on traffic and visitors to promote your blog and products.

Just for the love of god don’t blog about your complimentary colonic.




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